Expected Errors: 686
Pre-reqs, holds, time conflicts, waitlists etc.; these are expected errors
Please Contact Support: 217
Why: Various
Solution: Student contacts support for assistance
Not A CVC Student ID: 31
Why: Student is not classified with a CVC program
Solution: College to update student program to CVC; student reattempt
Blanks: 21
Why: Various
Solution: Student contacts support for assistance
Drop Failed, Enroll Failed Errors: 161
CVC monitors all Drop Failed and Enroll Failed statuses throughout the semester, as these statuses should not be terminal
Error Support
Students have access to chat and email with the Parchment support desk
Parchment sends monthly ticket reports to CVC
Escalated student errors are sent to support@cvc.edu
Admin identified errors are sent directly to support@cvc.edu
CVC is migrated from ZenDesk to FreshService on September 23, 2024
CVC escalates issues M-Th with Parchment/N2N during morning meetings
CVC has a weekly Support meeting with Parchment to identify common/current errors
CVC tracks all errors in production with JIRA
CVC tracks all product updates/feature enhancements in Jira to anticipate errors