Item # | Severity Level | Escalated Y/N | Description/Risk | Owner | Mitigation Strategy | Next Step | Priority | JIRAs | Date | ||||||||||||||
1. | Severe: Affects Financial Aid Integration | N | Financial Aid Pilot:
| Parchment |
| 4/512/24 | ||||||||||||||
2. | Moderate: Users Were Not Able to Authenticate to CVC via Proxy | Yes | On Friday, Dec 15th, all student attempts to authenticate to our platform via the proxy seem to be failing. No one was been able to sign in. We've seen 100% failure rate on all attempts from every user who has tried at every college since about 6 AM Friday morning. CVC reached out to CCCTC support team but they didn’t seem to have any insight into what could be causing this as they have shared that no one else has reported any issues. However, we kept receiving a 403 Forbidden error message when we try to connect to any college via the Proxy. This is impacting both production and pilot and began failing around the same time on Friday. Whenever a user selects any college where we would normally route them to the appropriate SSO page, we instead are getting this error. https://search.cvc.edu/users/sign_in (select any college) |
| 4/512/24 | ||||||||||||||
3. | Severe: Will Affect All eTranscripts Sending Colleges Who Are on SaaS | Y | Manage The CCCTC/Ellucian SaaS Shared Application Staging Tables In Conjunction With The GLUE Data Model - SaaS Migration Process | Mike V. | For colleges who are either a SaaS client or migrating over to SaaS, the current Ellucian APIS will not support eTranscript CA sending infrastructure. This affects colleges that are already live with eTranscript sending through Parchment/XAP as well as the ones who are migrating. |
| 4/512/24 |
Weekly Project/Product Summary
JIRA, Description, and Status
Item # | Topic | Item Details: Weekly Activity/Decisions | Next Steps | Priority | Important Links & Documentation | Last Update Date | ||||||||||||||
1. |
| https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S3zLxqu6CLDmIO6Eq1YmOlo-gPG_Hwn6-lyaEiTpkQE/edit | 4/512/24 | |||||||||||||||
2. | CVC Support Cases |
View file | ||
Canvas Solution for ILP Colleges
Database access to ILP team today
Test environment is not updated for Kern, so will work to get this updated.
Development will be done by 12/19/23.
No new updates this week.
Status | ||||
Parchment Weekly Sprint Jira Status Updates
Lane 1: Major Functional and Implementation Blockers
Financial Aid Integration Workflow BLQ-1015 - Call with Copper Mountain has been postponed. CVC shared concerns raised by the colleges regarding marker courses. Additional conversations to be had.
System time zone for CVC Test and Prod sites PICE-537 - Parchment team to review and find solution in coming weeks.
Lane 2: Renewal Enhancements
Financial Aid implementations - Next steps to be determined following discussions on marker courses.
Document search result output sorting methods BLQ-979 & BLQ-1008 - Questions regarding whether this will be elastic search or something similar have been raised. CVC is hoping for a demo of the planned changes during the week of April 15th to prepare for a meeting on April 26, 2024Jason to provide update to the team during meeting on Wednesday, April 17th. CVC hopes to have something to demo for another meeting on April 26th.
Student Eligibility Checker - Parchment testing in the Banner sandbox.
BLN-729 N2N To Create API Specs, Place on Conf, And Send To Parchment
BLN-745 Parchment To Develop Feature Flag To Enable College Rollout Enablement
BLN-746 Parchment To Develop Progress Bar
BLN-748 Parchment To Develop Ability To Consume eligibilityStatus = and eligibilityStatusReason =
BLN-837 Parchment to Add/Display CVC Provided URL To Student Ineligible Page
Lane 3: Prioritized Enhancements and Research
Parchment to Analyze and Provide Results for Expected APIs and Final States BLQ-1067 - (This is also related to Complete application/integration diagram - BLQ-673 Diagram to be shared with CVC when available.) Parchment shared a document with CVC to review. Parchment researching a question from Donna, additional feedback pending. Session Management Changes
Session Management Changes BLQ-1026 and UI Changes for Open Registration Dates and Inventory Imports BLQ-967 - This has been reprioritized given CVC feedback for Q4. Work to be started.
Parchment to Provide Technical Requirements for SaaS eTranscripts Compatibility BLQ-1061- this has been provided to Ellucian. Next steps are TBDJason, from Parchment to work with Ellucian for additional details on next steps.
Determine Method to Identify Students Who Exist in the Teaching College Canvas Instance BLQ-572 - Additional information provided by CVC team. Parchment team to review and determine next steps.
Enrollment Report - Include C-ID as a downloadable field BLQ-1073 - newly prioritized for Q4. Parchment has committed to completing this work.
Change drop email notifications for FA admins BLQ-1080- Parchment has committed to this work. To be reviewed by the Parchment teamscheduled.
Show Message in UI for Users When We Get CCCID Invalid Errors | contactInfo API Only BLN-775 - Next steps to be determined.
Show "Withdrawn" Status in Student Dashboard and Admin Dashboard BLQ-988 - reprioritized for Q4.
Need Address Validation on the AER Form BLQ-1029 - Next steps to be determined.
Payment Status, Errors, and Reconciliation BLQ-724 - CVC has provided updated language, Parchment work pending.
Add Additional Text To The Drop Email Notification BLQ-1031 - In the work queue.
Course Audit Needs to Still Run if the Student Dropped BLQ-1056- Parchment team corrected the issue causing incorrect dates to appear in the display. CVC has provided additional questions for review.
Change The Text and Adjust The Layout in the Home California College Section oncvc.eduBLQ-1038- This is still being discussed with the Parchment team.
Next steps to be determined
Status | ||||
eTranscript Implementations & Follow up with colleges
Below is the latest updates on where we are with each college:
Allan Hancock: 3.20Barstow 4.8.24: Met with the college and from a XAP and Parchment perspective, the infrastructure is in place and transcripts should be trickling in. Amanda requested a call to go over how the CVC unsolicited transcripts will work. Once they provide dates, I'll schedule a meeting.
Barstow 3.28.24: Met with Barstow and got their XAP communicator installed. Next steps is for Parchment to respond after they send over the pathways.
Cabrillo CCD - 3.Parchment and barstow testing files back and forth via email.
Cabrillo CCD - 3.5.24: Emailed Parchment back advising that we are blocked on moving forward with Cabrillo until we have a SaaS solution in place. I will keep them informed with updates.
Compton CCD - 4.4.24: Contract is in place. Users accounts are set up. Sean set up sample transcripts to the college and we went through the process or how it flows. After our call, they are ready to go live. Sean will need to change their name on his side and he will then go live next week. For sending, they are blocked bc they are a SaaS college. We are working on a resolution for that.
Copper Mountain CCD (ECA) - 4.1.24: I sent them a follow up email on 3.27.24 to get a meeting on the books for May. no response so Amanda to follow up with them the week of April 22nd to get a calendar invite on the books.
College of the Desert CCD (ECA) 3.25.24: Florantine from the college responded that Sonia and Noelle need to reply to the the email thread when they complete their review of the XAP Communicator process and test files on each folders (//dccdsys/XAP).
Feather River CCD (ECA) - 4.18.24: Sent flw up email for them to advise their availability on when we can meet.cal invite to meet for eTranscripts sending for 4.15. 24.
Grossmont-Cuyamaca CCD (ECA) -3.21.24: Sent email to college asking for us to meet next week. Will follow on 4/4 if not response.
Marin CCD - 3.21.24: emailed Jon at the college and asked to set up a kickoff meeting to get this process started. No cohort established yet.
Merced CCD (ECA) 4.18.24: College and Parchment troubleshooting back and forth via emailMerced is reviewing the final files and will be ready to go live after their feedback from the review.
Napa Valley CCD - 4.4.24: Met with Napa and they want to test this week. They plan to be ready for go live by 4.11.24. If I have not heard from them by then, I'll email them to get a status.
Porterville - Kern CCD: 4.34.24: College asked for dates/times. Amanda sent cal invite for us to meet on 4.8.24 for sending discussionsMet with Maria Braidi, new director, and they are having a meeting in 2 weeks to talk internally to see if they want to break contract with Certree or start picking back up with Parchment again. She will let us know what they decide. If I dont hear from them by May 1, I will folow up.
Palo Verde CCD - 3.25.24: College emailed me back stating, " I currently use parchment for sending electronically, will this satisfy those requirements perhaps?" Amanda responded back that no, it wont meet the reqs. She asked that I send her some dates of availability. Amanda sent email with date and will schedule when she responds.
Peralta CCD (ECA) 3.25.24: College responded that she will provide my availability once she hears back from their IT department as to where we are with this project. She will be back in touch with you and your team within the next 2-weeks to setup a meeting.
Riverside CCD (ECA) 4.411.24 - Call with XAP and college resolved error and they will be ready to go live in the next week. Will work on a date: Sean will send the pre go-live questionnaire so he can do his final configurations. Once they return it, they can go live.
San Diego CCD (ECA) 4.29.24: Met with college and they are going to move fwrd with Parchment set up. Amanda sent email with dates/times for us to Scheduled call for XAP and college to meet to set up XAP communicator. Will schedule when they respond. Should be live with sending close to mid-end Maythe XAP communicator for 4/11.
San Francisco CCD 3.25.24: The college emailed me back asking if they had to be a part of an active cohort to set up for sending. I emailed them back with the explanation.
San Joaquin Delta CCD (ECA) 34.2511.24: College responded with I’m following up with Aubrey. Shawna needed to know how to get to the sample review and had asked Aubrey to assist. Not sure if that was successful." Will flw up with them end of first week of April if no response."they are having issues with finding the records. Parchment and college are emailing back and forth.
San Mateo County CCD - 3.21.24 - Sent email to demellon@smccd.edu to schedule meeting to do a kickoff call. No cohort established yet and they are not a home college.
Santa Monica CCD - 11.2.23 - Per Mike- hold off on reaching out.
Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint CCD (ECA) -3.18.24: Update from Parchment...Kevin Klemke, from Parchment let me know that he resent our test transcripts this morning. He noticed that our initial test files were still in the upload folder, and that the data was malformed. This has been corrected and new transcripts have been sent. The files from today will have overwritten the previously sent data. When you are able, please start the XAP communicator so that it can process these files. The hope is that they will process as expected and move into the success folder.
Sierra Joint CCD - 11.2.23- no cohort established, hold off on sending until then.Siskiyou Joint CCD (ECA) 4.3.24 - College reached out to XAP and asked to start the process for the sending set up. Sean sent out dates/times. When they respond, Sean will schedule a meetingHoever, they responded saying they arent interested in having this conversation based on being a CVC TC bc they are not starting that yet...they advised the following: Our interest is to understand what's possible with eTranscriptsCA beyond accepting electronic transcripts. We'd like to understand more about sending electronic transcripts as well as accepting (and sending?) electronic requests. We are not considering becoming a CVC-Teaching College at the moment, but we are collaborating with Sacramento State on the Placer Center project and sharing transcripts electronically will be important to that effort. Amanda sent email to Sean and Sean suggested dates for them to meet. Sean will schedule once he hears back.
Siskiyou Joint CCD (ECA) 3.11.24: Received signed contract and sent to Sean. Emailed Sean and the college to ask if Sean sent test files yet/needs users set up for accts or password resets. Amanda to flw up on 3.14 if no response.
Solano CCD - 11.14.23 - Parchment sent email to Solano advising they need a status update. The college emailed us back stating: "Yes – our SaaS go-live date is April 8th, 2024. As noted by Amanda, I believe we have Parchment sending on pause until we have our integrations set up for SaaS. Our new timeline to become a “Teaching” College is to be part of the Fall 2024 Cohort. Once SaaS has been implemented with the given timeline, we can revist our setup for Parchment sending. I apologize if any of these plans have changed, as I am going off my previous meeting notes documented at the time. Parchment responded that they have canceled this project and will pick it back up when they are ready.
Victor Valley CCD (ECA) 9.16.23: Victor Valley is going to switch to SaaS in April 2024, so we will be placing this one on hold until after that migration.
West Hills - 4.3.24: pre-UAT session went well. Scheduled to go live for sending 4.16.24eTranscripts!
West Kern CCD (ECA) 2.19.24: Sent email to Kyle and asked how testing is going/see if they will be ready to go live this week or next.
West Valley-Mission CCD (ECA) 7.12.23 - Sent flw up email to college to check in on how things are progressing. They dont have a cohort established yet, so if no response follow up in end of Aug.
Yuba CCD (ECA) 3.4.24: Met to set up XAP communicator. Next steps is for them to set up process internally. Amanda to check in 3 weeks from now to check on progress.
Amanda and Sean to continue reaching out to colleges next week to continue getting them set up on sending and receiving.
Status | ||||
Status | ||||
Tracking HC and TC transcripts here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e3Nq1Kt3qACJLqN4nWfmP-mWjdgK8_fSLiQb_ufBjdE/edit#gid=48089342
Weekly Meeting Notes and Action Items will be here each week: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12_-PObf7ii0hgvV3g4S-EfWzUamAi8zd
Weekly Status Call Recordings Here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12_-PObf7ii0hgvV3g4S-EfWzUamAi8zd
Weekly Status Call Recordings Here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LF4RbCkYhAdKjPwhoEw2SdArlvo4-u9i
Active Production Issues
Active Production Issues
JIRA, Description, and Status | Priority | Created Date | ||||||||||||||
| 4/26/23 | ||||||||||||||
| 9/14/23 | ||||||||||||||
| 410/2617/23 | ||||||||||||||
| 11/9/14/23 | ||||||||||||||
| 1011/1713/23 | ||||||||||||||
| 1112/910/23 | ||||||||||||||
| 1/11/13/2324 | ||||||||||||||
| 1211/1020/2324 | ||||||||||||||
| 13/115/24 | ||||||||||||||
| 113/2012/24 | ||||||||||||||
| 3/513/24 | ||||||||||||||
| 3/1213/24 | ||||||||||||||
| 3/1315/24 | ||||||||||||||
| 3/1324/24 | ||||||||||||||
| 3/1525/24 | ||||||||||||||
| 3/2429/24 | ||||||||||||||
| 34/255/24 | ||||||||||||||
| 34/298/24 | ||||||||||||||
| 4/516/24 |
Status | ||
Jira, Description, and Status | Priority | Component | Date Started | Date Completed | ||||||||||||||
| Analysis & Documentation | 2.29.24 | |||||||||||||||
| Session Management | 11.21.23 | |||||||||||||||
| Session Management | 11.21.23 | 4.15.24 | ||||||||||||||
| Financial Aid Integration | 2.29.24 | |||||||||||||||
| Financial Aid Integration | 4.19.23 | |||||||||||||||
| Financial Aid Integration | 2.22.23 | |||||||||||||||
| SaaS | 2.9.24 | |||||||||||||||
| Search Engine | 6.12.23 | |||||||||||||||
| Canvas | 2.13.24 | |||||||||||||||
| eTranscripts | 9.12.23 | |||||||||||||||
| C-ID | 3.21.24 | |||||||||||||||
| Drop Email Notifications | 3.26.24 | |||||||||||||||
| eTranscripts | 9.12.23 | |||||||||||||||
| Financial Aid Integration | 9.14.23 | |||||||||||||||
| Documentation | 12.3.21 | |||||||||||||||
| Admin Dashboard | 7.12.23 | |||||||||||||||
| Financial Aid Integration | 10.16.23 | |||||||||||||||
| Address Verification | 11.2.23 | |||||||||||||||
| Payment Processor | 11.17.24 | |||||||||||||||
| Course Audit | 2.6.24 | |||||||||||||||
| Program Code | 2.27.24 | |||||||||||||||
| Term Activate | 11.21.23 | |||||||||||||||
| Student Eligibility Checker | 4.22.21 | |||||||||||||||
| API | 4.14.24 | |||||||||||||||
| API Errors | 11.8.23 | |||||||||||||||
| Search Match | 11.28.23 | |||||||||||||||
| API | 3.11.24 | |||||||||||||||
| Research | 3.26.24 | 4.4.24 | ||||||||||||||
| ASSIST | 4.1.24 | |||||||||||||||
| Course Units & Seat Counts | 7.25.22 | |||||||||||||||
| Emails | 11.6.23 | |||||||||||||||
| UI Text Updates | 11.21.23 | |||||||||||||||
| Accessibility | 2.2.24 | |||||||||||||||
| Person Match | 3.11.24 | |||||||||||||||
| Documentation | 8.14.23 | |||||||||||||||
| Error Improvements | 7.5.23 | |||||||||||||||
| Duplicate CCCIDs | 2.20.24 | |||||||||||||||
| CVC Website | 2.29.24 | |||||||||||||||
| API | 4.3.24 |
Quarterly Dates
CVC Quarterly Dates | Parchment Quarterly Dates | N2N Quarterly Dates |
Q1: July 1-Sept 30 Q2: Oct 1-Dec 31 Q3: Jan 1-March 31 Q4: April 1-June 30 | Q1: Jan 1-March 31 Q2: April 1-June 30 Q3: July 1-Sept 30 Q4: Oct 1-Dec 31 | Q1: Jan 1-March 31 Q2: April 1-June 30 Q3: July 1-Sept 30 Q4: Oct 1-Dec 31 |